First in-person DigNA Meeting

The EIC DigNA Portfolio had it’s first in-person meeting on 24th of June at the Technical University of Munich, where partners from all DigNA projects were present to formulate a common strategic plan for the portfolio.

During the meeting the DigNA Portfolio projects shared their objectives, results and information regarding technical capabilities within their consortium through presentations and posters. Representatives from EPO were also present at the meeting and shared with the participants information about the patent landscape of DNA data storage technologies that they prepared in collaboration with DigNA Portfolio’s working group 4. The meeting also gave opportunity for the DigNA Portfolio’s working groups through parallel workshops to discuss current activities and plan future goals, which the WG leads shared with the participants. Finally DigNA Portfolio participants formulated the first draft of the Strategic Plan for the DigNA Portfolio, which will be published at the end of 2024 as a public document.

The meeting was very successfull in accelerating the collaborative efforts of the DigNA Portfolio projects. Looking forward to the next meeting to come!